Cadre Style is the brand that is reducing the fashion industry's negative environmental impact

Cadre Style is an e-comm site for sustainable fashion brands. Its mission is to reduce the fashion industry’s negative environmental impact. It does this by featuring brands that practice fair labour and use only recycled or biodegradable materials. This way, the brands are either reducing waste by recycling materials or limiting additional waste by using biodegradable materials.

What is the history behind Cadre Style?

We are a very young brand.  We just launched our site in May of this year.  We are really excited to help heal the planet by making it easy for customers to find stylish sustainable clothing.

All our brands use recycled materials or biodegradable materials (this includes organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, TENCEL, and jute). They product in small batches to further reduce fashion waste. Many of our brands are made to order or pre order to further reduce excess and waste. In addition our brands work towards reducing their water usage by methods that use recycled water and use low impact dyes where they can.

Why did you start it? 

I was on my own personal journey to reduce my waste and environmental impact.  I found it most very time consuming to find clothing that was truly sustainable – there is a lot of greenwashing out there – however when I would find brands that aligned with truly sustainable practices the products were gorgeous, on trend and well made. So, I thought what if someone vetted all these brands and products and made them easily available on one site. And so I started on a mission to do just that and that is how Cadre Style was born.  

Why is Cadre Style Sustainable and Ethical?

All our brands use recycled materials or biodegradable materials (this includes organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, TENCEL, and jute) . They produce in small batches to further reduce fashion waste.  Many of our brands are made to order or pre order to further reduce excess and waste. In addition our brands work towards reducing their water usage by methods that use recycled water and use low impact dyes where they can. Lastly all brands must practice fair labor which includes paying all garment workers living wage and no child labor. We have a two part assessment process to ensure that all claims made by our brands are true.  We have the brands complete a self assessment and then we work with Hey Social Good an amazing company that will go in and check that all claims and certifications are valid to date.  

In what way do you believe you are improving people's lives and the world?

Cadre Style is helping to support brands that are making a real change in the way that fashion is created and its impact on the planet. This has long term impacts on the the workers and the planet. And Cadre Style works to educate customers on what sustainability is and make it easily accessible and understandable so that customers can make choices that are better for our planet and its people. ✷