Architect-duo, Sofia Steffenoni and Simona Auteri.

The bridge between Architecture and Craftsmanship

Matter of Stuff is a manufacturing and furniture procurement consultancy. Our creative studio provides three integrated services, including furniture procurement, bespoke manufacturing and sustainable materials research. 


At the core of every project, interiors and object of design is its relationship to materiality. Innovation in materials and a deep understanding of making are integral to building a sustainable future.


We have devoted the last decade to researching craftsmanship to build the largest online repository of materials and design pieces to realise the most ambitious creative ideas.


To ensure finesse and quality, we work closely with architects, interior designers, artists, property developers, gallerists, hotels and individuals to conceptualize an idea, devise a production methodology, mobilize a bespoke and skilled team, enable their processes and analyse the results. We can manufacture bespoke pieces and manage large-scale architectural projects – from exclusively-made, limited editions, to large scale installations and entire buildings.


We believe in embedding sustainability into the heart of the project from the outset to begin a journey of exploration into the intersections between technological advance, traditional fabrication techniques and bio manufacturing, and find solutions with innovative materials that breathe life into ideas.

Matter of Stuff was founded in 2014 in London by architect-duo, Sofia Steffenoni and Simona Auteri and quickly developed into an established consultancy. Our extensive knowledge of manufacturing heritage has been constantly refreshed with regular research trips seeking out the next artisan or manufacturing facility that is pushing the boundaries of materiality and fabrication. Our dynamic creative studio has worked with property developers, gallerists, hotels and individuals to organise several pop up exhibitions.


Matter of Stuff was founded with the idea of bridging the gap between the architectural world and that of the craftsmen and artisans behind products and materials.

We are dedicated to researching new craftsmen, materials and new manufacturing processes in order to offer clients a service that selects, procures and produces exclusive design objects for commercial and residential applications.

Why did you start it? 

Matter of Stuff was founded with the idea of bridging the gap between the architectural world and that of the craftsmen and artisans behind products and materials.

Why is it Sustainable and Ethical?

Materials have an immediate impact on the people who use, live and work in buildings. Material can enhance or badly affect the health of those who inhabit spaces. As materials specialists we consult our clients based on the environmental and health impact of materials. We work on opportunities that can be revealed when alternative materials and production processes – or familiar materials differently imagined – can be brought to a project.

To bring an active impact on the world we live in, we collaborate with universities, host seminars and workshops, and build and participate in international fairs. 

In what way do you believe you are improving people's lives and/or the world?

Materials play a fundamental role in the construction industry; Matter of Stuff guides its clients to create material libraries and material selections, navigating complex choices through clear advice and recommendations, highlighting opportunities as well as the risks involved with each material and its manufacturing method. The choice of materials, both in terms of  sourcing and production, affect the forms of our interior spaces and buildings, their carbon footprint, performance, livability, durability and reusability. The choice of materials needs to be made based on its lifespan and the ability to reuse or recycle its components. 

Where can you find Matter of Stuff products?

